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"Wacana Isu Semasa Palestin"

Assalamualaikum and greetings to all Miatians🧕🏻👨🏼‍💼

ULUL ALBAB CLUB, in collaboration with RAKAN SISWA YADIM & CINTA GAZA MALAYSIA, invite everyone to join our event, CAKNA PALESTINE : TALK SESSION titled :

"Wacana Isu Semasa Palestin"

Details about the ceremony are listed below:

🕰️ Time : 9.00 pm - 11.00pm

🗓️ Date : 6 November 2021

💻 Platform : Microsoft Teams

🔰 GHOCS Focus : Spiritual

✨ GHOCS & Hostel Merits are provided✨

Link Microsoft Teams:


📌 Currently, we are still opening DONATIONS that will be directly delivered to CINTA GAZA MALAYSIA. You can make the donations via the link below ⬇️

Link for Donations:

# These donations are for Palestinians' preparation in facing the upcoming winter season. So, why not we help them for the sake of our brothers and sisters there 😉

📌 After the donation, don't forget to screenshot the receipt for our reference and submit the receipt via this google form 📥:

Any inquiries, please contact📱

011-11761227 - Irlan 👨🏻‍💼

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